The DSDCTA is a “Group Member Organization” (GMO) of the United States Dressage Federation. As such, we are represented, in a voting capacity, at Regional and Annual Business Meetings of the USDF by DSDCTA delegates/representatives from our membership or by proxy, as decided by the current DSDCTA Board of Directors.
As a “GMO”, a portion of DSDCTA membership dues is paid to the USDF. In addition to a voice in the national decision making process, each current GMO Member of DSDCTA receives a Group USDF Membership. This entitles DSDCTA members to receive the USDF Connection and other local publications such as the DSDCTA Newsletter Tempo.
Participating Members of USDF pay a separate application fee. Participating members are eligible for USDF Year End and Special Awards, in addition to a direct vote in business decided by the General Membership of USDF. Group Members of USDF are not eligible participate in the USDF Horse of the Year/Breed Awards however, there are other rider awards available to Group members. Please check out www.usdf.org for more info.
The DSDCTA Membership Year begins December 1st and ends on November 30th.
DSDCTA membership is completed by joining one or more of DSDCTA's regional chapters.